Datacubes were fully voiced "research notes" that told the story of what took place on planet Nexus, written in the voices of a collection of Eldan scientists who witnessed its demise. Placed throughout the world to enhance content, there were more than 300 individual Datacubes in WildStar, and I wrote each and every one. They were all fully voiced, and could be accessed by the player at any time once they had been discovered.

Datacubes were a powerful way to tell the origins of the game world in a more interactive and non-linear way - allowing players to discover and reveal the secrets of Nexus at their own pace. Below are just a few examples. Give them a listen.


The time has finally come. As the Nexus Project begins, we embark on the greatest scientific experiment in the long history of our people. And if we are successful? Then we will have achieved what others have only dreamed of. We will have altered the destiny not just of the Eldan, but of the universe itself



It is done. With the help of my knowledgeable ally, I have made the necessary adjustments to the Protoplasmic Resonator. I have been assured that Vorion will not notice until after the process is complete, and by then, of course, it will no longer matter. Will the others understand? To be honest, I couldn't possibly care less. The stakes of this game were too high. Did anyone truly expect me to sit back and play by the rules?



It appears that the Eldan have been successful in their efforts to create the Genesis Prime, a being whom they have named Drusera after one of their oldest and most powerful mythical deities. Once fully trained, she will have the ability to... well... to do just about anything, I suppose. She is also quite a pleasant individual, which, upon reflection, seems like a beneficial trait if one is, for all intents and purposes, a god.



My research concerning this biological anomaly designated "the Strain" has now come to a close, and the results are quite disturbing. It is an extremely virulent agent, with the capability to infect and transform any biological organism that it comes in contact with. I have never witnessed anything like it, nor have I been able create an effective defense against the disease. There appears to be nothing we can do to stop it.



I have completed my analysis of the imminent proposed annihilation protocols for the Entity, and I must say that I am less than confident that they will result in success. This Entity is indeed powerful, and I am not quite certain that the Eldan, and by extension myself, are sufficiently advanced to destroy him. When I mentioned this to Maker Vorion, he merely replied that despite the statistical improbabilities, the universe was owed at least the effort to save it from oblivion.



Subject has been sedated. Vitals signs are stable. Prepare for termination protocols. Initiating Primal Disintegrator in three, two, one… What? Oh no! Subject has broken loose! Defense perimeter breached!… Arrrggghh!!! No, please! Nooooo!!!